Why hire a wedding planner?

Are you planning your wedding and have you realised that you can’t take care of everything?

Maybe you have realised that knowing exactly who to contact, who to ask for quotes and who to evaluate the various suppliers is not at all easy and you are getting a little worried.

Everyone wants a wedding where everything is perfect.
You imagine all aspects, you talk it over with your partner, together you contact suppliers and ask for initial estimates.

You work out ideas, spend afternoons planning, rehearse, compare and realise that it is not as simple as you thought. It takes time and patience, and often the costs are higher than you expected.

Time passes and if you used to think that organising a wedding was not that difficult (after all, everyone has done it!) you are now beginning to think differently.

On the one hand you don’t want to give up the wedding you have always imagined, on the other hand you have to keep too many aspects under control.
Your ideas are no longer so clear, not least because the budget you had planned to invest is no longer enough and you are not even satisfied with what they propose.

I have good news for you

The first is that every time things go like this, in fact, you almost always find the solution, perhaps spending a little more than budgeted, but you manage to make the day the way you wanted it to be.

The second is that there is a consultant who can help you find the right people and, if you want, can save you money.

Not just anyone, but a professional.

He is an expert, has organised hundreds of weddings, has met many couples and is in contact with the most reliable suppliers.

Accustomed to handling the tensions of the wedding day, he can tell you what you need to do and what you can do without, plan and control, and help you stick to your budget.

Do you know what it means to meet with dozens of suppliers, request quotes and make the right assessments? How much time does it take? Who guarantees you the right choices?

Well, know that this person is the wedding planner.

To tell the truth, this term is much abused. In Italy there is no clear definition of this profession. There is no law regulating it, and many people improvise.

So the caterer also offers this service, perhaps included in the price of the menu, or the owner of a villa, or a photographer or whoever does something related to the wedding.

But this figure often turns out to be someone who simply gives advice on the colour of tablecloths or colour combinations.

But, really, what does a wedding planner do?
(How to recognise a good wedding planner?)

First of all, to be credible, it must prove that it has organised many weddings.
Reviews of (real) brides and grooms and photos of events must be available to anyone and in an easy way.

Website, presence on social networks and wedding portals are some of the aspects to verify the professionalism of who you are dealing with.

Also check that they have an open and dedicated VAT number. It may seem trivial, but there are indeed many people who do this job without complying with the law and without offering a minimum guarantee of professionalism.

He must offer an ad hoc consultancy service, and to do this he must have a very important skill: knowing how to listen.

It is important that he does this carefully: it must be active listening.
Active listening is when the person in front of us is attentive to what we are saying and becomes a participant. He asks questions, puts himself in our shoes and reflects. In practice it creates an authentic relationship with us.

All-round consultant

The wedding planner can organise the whole wedding, or just a part of it. Either way, he can advise you on any problems or concerns you may have.
Whether you need advice on a specific service or want him to follow the entire event, the wp focuses on your needs and draws up an ad hoc project.
He then submits his proposals to you and evaluates them together with you .
He is able to find solutions to your specific problems and, above all, he never gets discouraged; on the contrary, he supports you and helps you even in decisions that seem difficult.
Even when he deals with events with a very high emotional charge, and weddings are such, he manages to remain calm and handles the various situations in a calm manner, dampening tensions.

How much does a wedding planner cost?

Often future brides and grooms think that hiring a wedding planner means a very high expense.

I have another piece of good news, which you may have already realised from reading this far: hiring a consultant usually saves money.

By this I do not mean that he works for free, on the contrary, I urge you to be wary of those who tell you this, but the expense you will incur will be compensated by the savings you will make thanks to his advice.

Know that a professional knows many suppliers, knows which ones offer the best value for money, and knows how to advise you on those best suited to your needs.

Also consider the time savings, you won’t have to deal with finding out who offers you the best service, you won’t have to go through exhausting trials, and you won’t have to haggle to get the best business deals, he will do all this for you.

Of course you will have to get to know the suppliers he proposes, but the appointments will be few and far between.
A good wedding planner schedules 3 or 4 meetings with the bride and groom, during which he explains every aspect of the wedding.

He liaises with the suppliers, ensuring that the couple receives the most suitable service.

Is it better to deal with one consultant or with all suppliers?

Perhaps you still have some doubts or misgivings about this, and that is normal, but consider that if you do everything yourself, this will happen for every supplier.

What do you think is best at this point? To have a perplexity with one consultant, which you can clarify by asking questions, requesting specific written plans and a clear budget, or to commit to doing this with all suppliers?

Think about it, and then decide.
In the meantime you can follow us on our blog where you will find useful information for your wedding.

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