Wedding and event planner
Always a lover of stories and tales, of a curious nature, in 2007 she decided to follow her creative vein, to give space to her dreams and let her imagination run free. She attended courses in event organisation, business strategy, floral arrangement and discovered the world of weddings, becoming fascinated by it. This is how Mareventi was born in 2009, a laboratory of ideas for the realisation of special moments. It is the place she has always wanted, where sets are designed, atmospheres are conceived and all the actors of the wedding event are organised. He loves original people full of ideas, with whom he creates collaborations and is always looking for his own improvement, made of confrontation, dialogue and discovery.

Gloria accompanies couples-to-be through the entire wedding planning process, relieving them of the stress of the preparations and listening carefully to their tastes and needs. She selects suppliers, evaluates offers and helps choose the professionals who best meet the needs of the bride and groom-to-be. Every event is taken care of down to the smallest detail, so that this day reflects, in every aspect, the personality and uniqueness of the bride and groom: venues, atmospheres and decorations will be tailor-made for the couple.
Who is Gloria?
She has attended specialisation courses for Destination Wedding with Elisa Mocci, Web Marketing with Marco Scabia and flower arranging with Assofioristi. Every year she attends refresher courses and seminars for continuous improvement. She collaborates with the best professionals in the sector, with artists and creatives, with original people and dream makers. She loves travelling, art in all its expressions and food and wine. Deeply attached to her land, Romagna, Gloria has a dream: to accompany bridal couples from all over the world to choose these places to crown their dream of love, interweaving traditions and landscapes with the typical hospitality of these areas.